Flatland by Edwin Abbott- 4c’s

You may want to read some of the other posts on Flatland as well.

I have pondered the idea of a two-dimensional world before, as it is mentioned in the book Albert Einstein and His Inflatable Universe (no plug intended :). It is an interesting idea that poses many logical problems that are sometimes un-answerable by one self’s pondering. Reading Flatland answered some of these questions- though sometimes in creative non-scientific ways. Some of these included how the 2d shapes see each other, because two dimensions is completely flat- which is answered in a creative way by Edwin Abbott- by “essence of vision”, they “just do”.

One idea from the book that I did not agree with, and so in accordance with the sub title of this section must challenge (even though it is not a scientific concept I am challenging), is that our place is society is predetermined at birth by our parent’s actions. I am not sure whether the values held in flatland reflect those held by Edwin Abbot; however I do think it is a rather unfair idea. The narrator of the book expresses that in Flatland they believe each generation should automatically improve on his father’s class in society by one step (an added side), but cannot improve their own position no matter how hard they try. Also, if a shape does something despicable and has a side taken away, then his descendants will suffer and they can do nothing about it.

One of the most important concepts I took away from this book is one of knowledge. It is the idea that our understanding of something- physics, extra dimensions or the universe- possibly anything, could be wrong. It is the idea that we do not know which parts of science we don’t understand and that we should accept challenges to our understanding with grace and in a dignified manner. Not like the square, or the sphere or any of the shapes who met challenges with hostility.

The changes this book advocate stem from the section above. Although it does not directly state this idea, it is easy to pick up. By illustrating how not to act and the consequences for behaving that way, the book Flatland by Edwin Abbott presents a compelling argument to keep an open mind towards new ways of thinking.

Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott – Structure


Welcome to Flatland, people.

So recently I wrote a post of my delight in reading Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott, and all of the wonderful language conventions it uses to create an intellectually intriguing text. However before I leave Flatland into the archive of science literature analysis posts, there’s something that I feel compelled to talk about, which is Flatland’s structure.

The main reason why I want to talk about the structure of Flatland is because it uses a particular story structure which reappears in many texts including “Jonah and the Whale” in the Bible, and it reappears so often because it’s a story that has strong impact on people.

“So what is this archaic story structure” I hear you ask? Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m talking about the story of what I call “the Failed Prophecy”, which is very much integrated into the story of Flatland.

To start with, here’s a quick chronological summary of what happens in Flatland. So our story starts with Square, a 2-dimensional creature in a 2-dimensional world. Here an extensive introduction is given about the society of these 2-dimensional creatures covering a wide range of topics: gender roles, social class, perception, architecture; pretty much everything we would want to know about the world of Flatland.

After that very long introduction, the book shifts to the world of Lineland where only one dimension exists. Square visits here through a dream, and becomes acquainted with the idea of dimensionality. And then the book shifts again to the world of 3-dimensions, where a prophet from that world comes and reveals Square to a whole new perspective of dimensionality too.

After the departing of the 3D prophet, Square begins his mission to reveal to others this great revelation. He begins with his son, however even after extensive explanations, his son responds in ridicule. Square, although disappointed, continues to spread the world, but person after person, they all reject his inconceivable idea of a 3rd dimension, and he is sent to prison, cast as a lunatic prophesising about an inexistent truth.

So how does the “Failed Prophet” story fit into Flatland? Well firstly, the primary structure of the “Failed Prophet” story is the introduction, “the Vision”, and “the Prophesy.”

So in this story, the introduction’s role in the Failed Prophesy structure is to introduce the problem. Although various problems exist in Flatland, the main one which is focussed on is the ignorance of a greater truth i.e. dimensionality.

This greater truth is explored when Square goes through the stage which I like to call “The Vision.” Essentially this is where that greater truth is revealed, in this case, the existence of creatures in different dimensions. The visit from the 3-D prophet then allows for his mission to become clear; to prophesize about the existence of different dimensions.

And then this is where the prophecy stage comes into toll, where he attempts to convince people of this truth, which unfortunately for him, results in being cast as a heretic and held in jail because of the inconceivability of his message to a 2-dimensional creature. And that people, is the story structure of the Failed Prophet in Flatland.

The reason why I like the Failed Prophet structure is because although it’s sad, it has a very human, realistic quality, which draws on the relatable feeling of rejection. It’s a story which can really get to you; because everyone at some point has felt rejection before, and when we see a story of what seems like a hero figure ready to spread the word of a greater truth, turn into a story of rejection despite good intentions; it makes you a bit sad.

Now if you read my last post about Flatland, you might be baffled at this response, since I wrote before about how it’s a book for people interested in maths, not for those looking for a down-to-earth, moving narrative. But now that I’ve realised how symbolic and deep this story is, I’ve changed my perspective a bit.

So if you’ve already read the book, I challenge you to read it again, and notice how a seemingly over-wordy math book, is actually a powerful, humanistic story of rejection.

Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott – Central Ideas

flatlandfeaturePublished in 1884, Flatland chronicles the adventures of a 2D square who is introduced to space land- the world of the 3D. The book explores ignorance and social classes however the main concept is extra dimensions.

At 80 pages long, Edwin A. Abbott didn’t give himself much room to write this slightly scientific novella.  Indeed, he spends the first 40 or so pages explaining how life in Flatland works, them being only able to see straight lines of varying brightness. The main character, a square, then goes on to explain his dreams of lineland, a one dimensional kingdom, his brief journey into three dimensional space land and also a fleeting encounter with pointland, a no dimensional spot.

Throughout the book, whether a comment on society at the time or not, the square in the story expresses explicit understanding of societal classes. Isosceles triangles measured by the size of their angle, polygons ascending the classes as their sides grow more numerous, being born into an unchangeable class and the inferiority of women, who are merely straight lines in flatland. These are core concepts in the book and many of the explanations build upon this information as the square is constantly referring back to superior circles and inferior women.

Edwin Abbott_old age

Edwin Abbott

The main concept conveyed in this book though is understanding of dimensions and the possibility of more. After flatland, the first dimension we visit if lineland. The king of lineland is completely ignorant to anything outside moving back and forth and is mesmerised by the square’s ability to move in and out of lineland, yet he refuses to believe the square’s explanation for his ability. The square is then introduced into spaceland, first by a description from a sphere, then by being taken out of his 2D plane. At first, however, the square did not believe in the existence of three dimensions and denied it with great passion, just as the king of lineland denied two dimensions existed. Through his interactions with a three dimensional sphere, the square raises the question of more dimensions, possibly four or five, or even six or seven. The sphere denies any more than three exist, just as the square and king of lineland denied extra dimensions. This is perhaps the most profound idea in the entire book of Flatland, that we ourselves may be ignorant of a fourth or even fifth dimension of space. Even though it takes about 40 pages to express this idea, it is well worth the read as the story elements and appreciable characters make it much more insightful than a plain old scientific theory.